Hey everyone, hope you are all having a great week so far, not long until the weekend. It has been a long time since I’ve written a weekly blog. Since my last post I’ve gotten married to my teen sweetheart, fallen pregnant and had our precious first baby. It’s been such a busy last couple years and so much has changed within myself experiencing these monumental moments.
I have learnt so much about myself through these experiences and that’s what I want to talk about today. Facing fears and stepping into the new version of ourselves. As we know our lives are forever changing, we are constantly tackling new challenges and growing and learning from them. Some days just feel like another day but we under appreciate how much we can achieve, just surviving another day in this busy world.
Becoming a mother for the first time was the most incredible underrated experience of my life. Words really cannot explain how I felt from the moment I found out I was pregnant, to the moment I held our beautiful little girl in my arms and thanking the gods for allowing me this blessing.
It’s funny how your fears change when you become a parent and as you get older. Things that may have troubled or bothered you are no longer existent, but a lioness of protection and fear kicks in for this love you hold in your arms, if anyone or anything was to upset her, how you would tear down the world to help her.
One of my greatest fears was would I be a good mum? I have always received so much love and support by my own mum, I just really hoped I would be able to do the same and even more to my own child. I have surprised myself how easy it has been to love like never before and lose days staring into her beautiful eyes and praying she has a happy life. I thought I was happy before but now I really know what happiness is. Children are absolute blessings to the world.
“The joy should never leave our hearts for the children being born into this world. Each one gifted to us, entrusted to us, to nurture and care for. This is life. This is humanity. Life reproducing life. It is wildly beautiful! “
Quote by unveiled wife
This is the greatest gift and role I’ve ever had. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have more fears than I have ever had and thought possible, but I also have an inner strength like no other time in my life. I have a voice like I’ve never had and for the first time I’m not afraid to use it. Everything I do now I’m setting an example for her. So, I have to be very careful how I do things now as she is a little sponge soaking everything up that you say and do.
Things like how I may have judged my body in the past, I now have to be careful as I want her to have the confidence within herself, love for her body and strength in her mind. I now praise my body for its beauty and strengths. People who may have mistreated me previously, I now stand up too without fluttering an eye lid.
I have now stepped into the greatest chapter of my life and I have no idea what was life before. This new chapter is filled with challenges, fears, blessings and worries. But I know I will push through any discomfort as it is worth all of those feelings and emotions, and I am so excited to experience all the future adventures with my family.
It feels really good to be back writing. If you have made it this far thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week, be true and kind to yourself and others and please remember… every day is a new chance to try, it’s a chance for a fresh start, try and find something new daily that you love about yourself, affirmations are the key to self-acceptance and don’t ever give up on yourself or your dream… Life is so precious.
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