This week starts with a bittersweet feeling, as I sit on the plane ready to depart, I have a nervous and sick feeling in my stomach. It has been one hell of a year for our family with all of the highs and lows we have all endured. The pain you feel as you say goodbye, but then the feeling of relief and guilt as that person is no longer suffering in pain.
This time last year we said goodbye to our jolly and fun-loving Grandfather and this week a family member that was taken from us long before his time. We all grieve differently, no-one right or wrong, but it’s important that we do and that we are there to help each other through it without any judgement. In grief, people do crazy things and say things that are out of character, but that’s all part of the process.
Some people can come into your life and leave, without you even noticing, but others can leave a mark on your heart, a mark so deep that you will never forget and they will be forever remembered. Those that leave that impression, aren’t gone forever, they are always with you.
The most painful tears are not the ones that fall from your eyes and cover your face, it’s the ones that fall from your heart and cover your soul.
We get one shot at this life, some are here for a long time and others are here to teach us something, help us grow or even challenge us. The beauty in pain is to feel that pain you have to of loved and when you feel it really ache inside, it’s because you are now missing that love.
We are all here for a reason or a season, we never know when our time is up here on earth, but it’s the legacy, we leave behind that is most important. What kind of person do you want to leave behind? How do you want to be remembered? It’s not about how many people show up to your funeral, it’s about the impact, it’s the relationship, the bond and all the memories you leave behind that are forever treasured.
My Grandfather who passed away nine years ago this year is one of those who will never fade from my heart or memory. Some people just stick like glue, they make you smile, laugh and cry when you think of them and to me, that’s what’s important in life. No money or material possessions could ever make you feel that sadness, loss and unconditional love as you can for another person. A quote from my book; Moore, Than a Pretty Face, “See you on the other side of the stars old man”
So, knowing we have one life, one shot, I know what kind of person I want to be and leave behind when its time and that’s someone who still makes people smile years later. It’s never too late to be that better version of yourself, today is always a new day to start.
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week, be true and kind to one another and please remember… Every day is a new day to try, always be grateful for what you do have and you can quit your day job, just don’t ever give up on yourself or your dream.
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