Hey everyone, hope your week is going well, and if you are from Melbourne, I hope you are staying warm. This week I am talking about what I like to call Crinkle Free Perfection, its a term I made up that describes the current society we live in, the over popular social media and the problems it is causing.
I have touched on this subject in the past about the expectations we have on us to succeed, keep fit, look like a movie star and every day flowing perfectly problem free without any speed humps. I find this an illusion and outright dangerous as it’s damaging to so many people’s lives. For starters, we all have different genetics, upbringings and all walk through this life on different paths and no two experiences are the same, and for that reason no two people are the same in this world. That is why I find it so important not to compare yourself with another, as it is literally, physically impossible to be the same as someone else.
I believe imperfections should be renamed to beauty marks as they are ours, we should own them and be proud, as our body does so much for us and yet our mind punishes it for doing just that.
The self-esteem levels are at the lowest they have ever been, and mental health has sky rocketed. We only see glimpses into people’s worlds and they only show you the best part of their day, they don’t show or tell you it actually took 47 times to get that perfect angle of themselves in their bikinis sitting by the beach, no they show you this one perfect shot and then write a comment underneath acting as if this was a natural pose and their everyday life, when the truth is they have probably spent every last dollar they have on some designer clothing just to get more likes.
As babies we are all born knowing we are beautiful and loved, all babies need to do it make a slight noise and you can hear the AWWW’s…. But somehow as we get older all that confidence and self-love diminishes and we torture ourselves in the mirror every day of our lives.
Social media is causing a lot of these self-esteem problems, as they show truly FAKE and unrealistic realities, as the people in the photos don’t even look like those photos normally. We have apps for teeth whitening, skin/blemish tools, that helps enhance or remove so called imperfections, shrink this, change that, it’s all absolute garbage and people are making money and getting rich from all this body shaming… shame on them.
I have niece’s & nephews and I love them all so much and they are just so gorgeous, but I can’t help but feel fearful of the world they are growing up in. What are they going to feel they need to do to be accepted? We are all good enough, you don’t need to alter anything about yourself that makes you, you. Know that you are good enough and if you are with someone, or your friends believe you need any alterations, I think it may be time to find a new group of people to surround yourself with as those who truly love you wouldn’t want you to change anything.
We need to stop shaming and start embracing these beautiful bodies we have been given instead of trying to change or fix them. We have this one body for life so respect it, feed it right and love it and it will do wonders for you.
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week, be true and kind to yourself and others and please remember… every day is a new chance for a fresh start, try and find something new daily that you love about yourself and don’t ever give up on yourself or your dream. This life is so precious.
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