Hey Friends,
Hope your week is off to a great start.
We all have fears for whatever reasons, it may be of heights, public speaking or even everyday fears we don’t even realize we have that hold us back from achieving our dreams without us realizing they even exist.
I am talking about this subject as I have recently heard a lot of people around me say something along the lines of “I am too scared to do that, I wish I wasn’t” We all know that feeling of fear, when you can feel it in the pit of your stomach. That’s usually around the time you are about to do something you haven’t done before, the fear of failure, making a mistake and the fear of judgment from others. Most people are afraid that if they don’t succeed in their eyes they have failed and will be judged by that. That fear of criticism can be very intimidating, yet I find our own thoughts can be so much more damaging to a person’s self-esteem. I have been called all sorts of names in my life, yet I believe by allowing them to slip and stay in your mind and by constantly berating yourself with negative comments is much worse than anyone could ever say to you.
Everything I have achieved to date was once a fear, no joke. Looking back, I realize how afraid I was and was on the daily. Fear of experiencing life had become my permanent hand-brake to success and I had just accepted that this was my life and that was it, nothing more and nothing less.
That was until I wanted something so badly and knew that the only way to achieve this was to step out of my comfort zone and get out of my own way. I had always felt different about the world compared to how others seemed to, being a dreamer, I thought that’s exactly what they were… Just dreams! Until I realized that whatever you can see in your mind, you can hold in your hand and if there is only one other person in this world that has achieved this is, so could I!
I was the only road block, my thoughts that had been limiting my vision, are now gone and I see everything so much clearer. As a child my Mum always told us that we could do anything we choose to do with our life, it was up to us to decide and to go after it. Easier said, when you are watching everyone around you get normal jobs, settle down and start their little families. And I am not saying there is anything wrong with doing that, as having a little family is most peoples dream at the right time in their lives.
Those closest to me know that the drive I have inside me is loud and raw and not ready to give up and to walk away. Rejection and delays can cause self-doubt, but it’s important no matter where you are on your journey to keep thinking positive, as each little step taken is one step closer to your dreams coming true. The things we want most in life we call dreams because they scare us and seem too far out of reach. We know to achieve these goals we are going to have to get very uncomfortable to do so, as we must subject ourselves to a lot her hurt and rejection to come out the other side stronger, resilient and inspired to keep going.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, or where you are from, push through the discomfort and you will see the sunshine on the other side. You will look back and see it was worth all the pain and will be forever proud of your own accomplishments.
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week, be true and kind to yourself and others and please remember… every day is a new chance to try, it’s a chance for a fresh start, try and find something new daily that you love about yourself, affirmations are the key to self-acceptance and don’t ever give up on yourself or your dream… Life is so precious.
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