This weekend we had a getaway out of the cold weather in Melbourne to the warm and sunny Queensland and it was beautiful. Whilst we were on our little getaway, there were a few things that really stood out to me with the fellow travellers around us and that was the fakeness of some people’s lives! Yes, I know that social media is now a big part of people’s lives, but what happened to people actually having fun, instead of taking photos that look like you’re having fun?
When you’re sitting peacefully on a beach listening to the waves crash onto the shore you can’t help but people watch and wonder about the life’s some live. One of the things that really stood out to me was the people that come down from their hotel rooms, onto the beach and want to take their happy snaps with the ocean and the sunset going down as their perfect backdrop. Nothing wrong with that we all do it, this particular thing we witnessed more than once, a younger family, mum looking like an Instagram model eagerly taking the photos with her phone, trying to get dad and baby interested. It was awful to watch as they were so disconnected to each other and especially the baby, saying “come on, try and look like we’re having fun”. Really… why can’t you just have real fun, why must we look like we’re having fun?
Watching this made my heart sink as for me and my childhood, I was allowed to be a child and my parents’ occupation didn’t affect what I got to do. As soon as the perfect photo had been taken and checked, the smiles faded, and they quickly walk back to their hotel room.
The occasional family letting their little ones run in and out of the water filled my heart with joy and made me realize how disconnected a lot of this world has become, and the type of life I would like for myself and the kind I would like for my family’s future. How can we have a relationship with our children if we don’t give them our time and attention while they’re young. I feel we live in a very selfish time and these actions will not be released until our children either mimic or have no relationship with us.
The other thing that stood out which falls very closely to the above is to how rude people have become. I was shocked by the lack of manners and consideration for others. During breakfast we witnessed the utter rudeness of the young women at the table next to us. There was no need for the way she spoke to the waitress when asked if she was ready to order, then when her drinks came out, carried by another waitress, the poor waitress accidentally tripped on the table and spilt the coffee’s she had ordered everywhere, at this moment, we couldn’t help but feel we had just witnessed karma come her way.
Then, when we were entering the farmers market, I noticed an elderly man standing in the direct sun hoping to get some donations for the local fire station, as we were in a traffic jam I watched as every car drove past him, trying to find their car spot and not acknowledging the man. I reached into my wallet, grabbed all the gold change I possibly had, and gave it to the man. His face lit up immediately and he said, “you have a small car, I’ll show you where you can get car park” within a minute we were parked and making our way by foot to the local market stalls. This to me was our good karma for giving the man our donation. You don’t always get something back by doing something good, but you should do it anyway. The two keys to happiness are finding your purpose and the other is giving. Because they both make you feel so incredible on the inside.
I don’t believe that anyone is, nor should they be perfect, but I do believe that if you recorded at least 30% of the population and played back their actions they would be ashamed of themselves. We are supposed to be role models and we need to start putting this into action in our everyday lives and stop this fake, selfish BS before it completely destroys us. If we all tried to do one nice deed each day for someone else, can you imagine what kind of world we would live in? I know what type of world I would like to bring my future children up in and the lifestyle I would like for my family and this one is most certainly not the one.
So, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend, be true and kind to one another and please remember… Every day is a new day to try, you can quit your day job, just don’t ever give up on yourself or your dream.
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