Good Morning and Happy Saturday to all, Firstly, I would like to say I cannot believe it is already the last week of February, I always say it, but where has the time gone, it felt like yesterday the year had just begun. Thinking about it though it has been a big year for all so far, recently I have been talking to a lot of separate and very different people all feeling the same about the past couple months,…..
I’ll start this week by saying I hope everyone had a happy and loved up Valentine’s Day. There’s always so much expectation on people and their relationships around this time of year. Poor Valentines’ Day has as much emphasis on it as New Year’s Eve and if your single or feel that you have lost your spark, it can feel like the loneliest day of the year, but it is only one day after all. I must admit I would…..
“The deepest satisfaction of writing is precisely that it opens new spaces within us of which we were not aware before we started to write. To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know.” – Henri J.M. Nouwen. This quote is completely true, the rush of joy I felt whilst writing my first novel is a feeling I hadn’t previously felt, the obstacles I have endured since and the amount I have grown as…..
This is the latest I have ever left it to write my blog, no excuses but what a week. As I have written in my previous blogs, I gave notice a month ago at the company I have been employed by for the past 6+ years. The start of the week started out as normal, but by the end I felt so different. I didn’t have any regrets with the decision I had made, as I do strongly believe in…..
When I initially started writing my first novel, I didn’t ever expect it would one day become published. The truth is I just started writing about a woman that I felt was so different to myself and I used her story as a stress release. I have always been a big softy who wears my heart on my sleeve and strives for perfection. This woman I had created and was writing about was confident, independent, mentally strong, and aware of…..
We all have that one thing in our lives that inspires us, motivates us and pushes us to want more for ourselves. I have only recently discovered what inspires me in my writing and what played a massive role in my life to date and that is MUSIC. Music has this incredible ability to move us, lift our moods and take us to another place. I grew up in a home with a Mum that loved music. She was forever…..