Happy Tuesday all, I hope your week is off to a great start. The last week has brought a few things to light about myself and my life, things I hadn’t realized before. I am always talking about being present, but even for me sometimes I get so caught up in the dream I forget exactly where I am, and that is in this present moment. We all have goals, dreams that we wish to make reality, but what happens when…..
We change so much as human beings over the space of our lives, from children into young adults, then from mature adults into our more senior years. Some changes happen to people much sooner and more frequent than others and for some other people not so much changes as they may have limited their opportunities and have minimal spiritual growth. This current phase of life and at my age, I have a greater understanding of who I am and who…..
As a child, you are constantly asked from adults what you want to be when you are all grown up, because when you six years old you really know what you what you want to do with your life, right? But this is true, we all have these high and forced expectations of life and have a young and naive impression of what our own is going to look like. Sometimes this can be good as it can be a driving force to help…..
Good morning, Hey guys, it’s March! Yay, I am very excited about this is a very positive month for all. Have you ever had a dream so big you don’t even know where to start, “Yep”, that’s where most people go wrong, they’re too busy looking up at the top step and forget to even take the first step! We have come so far as a society but still lack so much, there is so much negativity and hatred out…..
I’ll start this week by saying I hope everyone had a happy and loved up Valentine’s Day. There’s always so much expectation on people and their relationships around this time of year. Poor Valentines’ Day has as much emphasis on it as New Year’s Eve and if your single or feel that you have lost your spark, it can feel like the loneliest day of the year, but it is only one day after all. I must admit I would…..
All I can say is what a week it has been, I had a birthday, got a new job and then had a major flashback from the past. It’s funny how sometimes life feels like it is moving so slow, it feels as if nothing is happening but when you look back at those times you realize that everything was happening you just couldn’t see it. That is exactly how I felt this week. I was driving in an area…..
“The deepest satisfaction of writing is precisely that it opens new spaces within us of which we were not aware before we started to write. To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know.” – Henri J.M. Nouwen. This quote is completely true, the rush of joy I felt whilst writing my first novel is a feeling I hadn’t previously felt, the obstacles I have endured since and the amount I have grown as…..