I’ll start this week by saying I hope everyone had a happy and loved up Valentine’s Day. There’s always so much expectation on people and their relationships around this time of year. Poor Valentines’ Day has as much emphasis on it as New Year’s Eve and if your single or feel that you have lost your spark, it can feel like the loneliest day of the year, but it is only one day after all.
I must admit I would be lying if I said I didn’t absolutely love all that romantic loved up stuff, I am like a five-year-old little girl looking up to the stars dreaming of getting married one day to my prince charming when it comes to that cheesy side of life.
I believe I am so passionate and also a crazy romantic at heart because I am a writer. It’s that creative/emotional side we writers and artists really seem to be able to tune into. We seem to feel things that others would never understand in a lifetime. We might be called the dreamers but we sure do value and see life in all shades. I would rather be the flower-child any day over the cynic.
These holidays are important as much as a lot of people feel that they were just invented by Hallmark to make money… And, they were don’t get me wrong, but the truth is in this day and age we are all so busy with work, family, and our social lives that if we didn’t stop on these days and thank those special people in our lives and just remind them how much they mean to us, it just may be an opportunity lost. Without the reminder of day’s like Valentines most people, especially in long term relationships wouldn’t do anything for their partner as they naturally get complacent and would forget.
In saying that I don’t believe you need to express your love and devotion for someone through a skyscraper, or something over the top like that, for me it’s more about the little moments, a gentle unseen kiss, a surprise and even that moment when he makes you laugh from the pit of your belly.
So… whether you are single, you have just left a relationship or you are unhappy in your current situation, never see those times as a failure as you need to remind yourself that those relationships did once make you happy, so take those experiences as lessons and personal growth opportunities, and remember that there is nothing wrong with you as you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now and there is no such thing as failure, as long as you are true to yourself, be kind, grow and find something to smile and laugh about daily you will be happy, and every day on the right side of the grass is a great day, life truly is a gift to all.
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